New York Walking Tours

Ye Waverly Inn

Ye Waverly Inn was built in 1844 and served variously as a tavern, brothel, and carriage house over the years. In the 1920s, it was "teahouse", a code word for a speakeasy that added alcohol to the teas. It is now back...
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Ye Waverly Inn

Haunted History

Explore haunted places and learn about forgotten New York history. Stroll a burial ground that's now a park.Learn about the duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton, and where their spirits now haunt. Stand on the location where 146 young women perished in a tragic fire. Sit at the bar where poet Dylan Thomas drank himself to death.
Haunted History for iPhone and iPad
Haunted History for iPhone and iPad
Haunted History for Android Phones and Tablets